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  • ncampanelli0

Assignment 9 (drawing program)

I made a drawing program with multiple colors that can be selected (with black being used as the eraser color as the background is black). I used an array to keep track of all the colors and used a for loop to draw out the palette down the side of the screen making use of the array. There is also a reset button so you can reset the drawing without refreshing the page this is for the (not utilized but could be) purpose of embedding it onto a page with other content that the user might not want to refresh. I wrote out basic instructions on how to use the program in the html file that the js code runs in.

As for the final project: I was going to revisit the text based adventure game idea I had, but then remembered why I abandoned that in the first place, the lack of memory on a microbit. This idea is in the back of my mind because I am uncertain if we are using a desktop computer for the projects, or if there is a modified version of p5 designed specifically for microbits (we are using p5 with the microbits if I recall correctly). If it is the case that we can run the microbit in conjunction with the computer (make the microbit + breadboard a controller) this is most likely what I will be working on. Aside for that I might try to make some form of multi-choice trivia style game. A multitude of questions and answers stored in a double array, randomly ordered on startup (questions and answer positions, with some being not used to allow some replayability), with led lights to keep track of the number of correct answers for a final score.

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